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National Showcase Director Josh Simonis shares what players, families can expect from Five Tool Showcases

At Five Tool, we believe wholeheartedly in providing players and families with affordable, first-class showcase events aimed specifically at creating exposure while also educating young players about the game and the recruiting process. Fortunately for us at Five Tool, new National Showcase Director Josh Simonis perfectly represents and fits that description. Currently an assistant coach at the University of Ottawa in Arizona in addition to owning No Doubt Showcases and being a coach and scout for the USPBL, Simonis doesn’t just have a passion for the game we all love; he shares an equal passion for creating the types of affordable IDs and showcases that can truly benefit the player in all areas. Combine his passion, work ethic and expertise with Five Tool’s market-leading social media coverage and one-of-its-kind baseball website, and you have a recipe for the types of events families know are going to deliver. 


“Could we do this, and could we do this better, and could we do this more affordably?” said Simonis as he recalled first attending camps and showcases as a young coach in Michigan. Ultimately, that answer turned out to be, “yes.” 

Simonis recently joined the Five Tool Podcast to discuss how baseball background, passion for the game and what players and families can expect when they attend a Five Tool Showcase. 

Our ID series is the most cost-effective way to get verified metrics and video uploaded to your Five Tool player profile page. It’s as straightforward as it sounds: attend one of our ID showcases and you’ll participate in a very organized, structured, efficient event that will test and record important baseball metrics, which will then be published on your Five Tool profile page. As always, our social media team will be in attendance to highlight uncommitted standouts and our growing network of college coaches subscribed to our Scout Package will have access to that data. 


We strongly believe one of the most critical parts of a showcase is college coach attendance. So, we guarantee it. Unlike the ID series, which is a lower price point and aimed specifically at identifying a player’s measured talent, tools and metrics, our showcases will include college coaches of all levels in attendance. And they won’t be just observing. Participants will receive feedback and education from coaches, which will assist players in understanding where their talent level fits and also better prepare for navigating the recruiting process. Our showcases aren’t just aimed to get a player to swing a bat a few times, run a 60-yard dash and throw a bullpen. There is a proven, intentional method to best maximize time to create the best evaluation look for coaches as well as placing a value on how players can learn and benefit beyond just showing their baseball talent. 

“The education piece is really important. There are a lot of people who really don’t understand the recruiting process… for the majority of baseball players, there is a pretty clean process on what will give you the best opportunity to play at the next level,” said Simonis. 

Interaction with college coaches is huge and can be especially impactful for younger players who will grow comfortable and confident playing in front of college coaches before they’re crucial recruiting period down the road. Plus, Simonis and his staff often organize Q and A sessions with families to provide education about the recruiting process and how players and families can be better prepared and can execute a proactive plan to help them achieve their goals of finding a good fit for the future baseball career and, most importantly, education. 

Our showcases and IDs are filling up fast. Don’t hesitate to sign up today and make Five Tool a part of your summer.