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Dudes of the Day/Players of the Game: Saturday, September 7, 2024


Ayden Lomeli (WC Blackdogs 2026) 5-6, 3 2B, 6 RBI, R  

Kardiff Black (Redbirds) 2-3, 3B, inside-the-park HR, 4 RBI 

Peter Hebert (Houston Wildcatters 2028 Klosterboer) 2-3, 3B, HR, 3 RBI 

five tool california socal fall oc kickoff


Game 1: MVP Hustle Bryant 6, BPA 5

Player of the Game: Bronson Jackson 2-3, 3B, RBI, R

Hitter of the Game: Jaxsen Van Aken 1-2, RBI, Walk-off single

Game 2: BPA 15, BLUE WAVE 2028 1

Player of the Game: Jacob Trujillo 5 IP, 7K, H, 0 ER

Hitter of the Game: Jameson Richardson 3-4, 2B, inside-the-park HR, 2 RBI, R

Game 3: WC Blackdogs 16U OC 7, MVP Hustle Bryant 4

Player of the Game: Ayden Lomeli 2-3, RBI, R

Game 4: WC Blackdogs 16U OC 7, GT TRIBE 16U - Inland Peak 3

Player of the Game: Anthony Rodriguez 2-2, 2B, RBI, 2R / 2 IP, 6K, 0H, 0 BB


Game 1: Redbirds 7, So Cal Guardians 2

Player of the Game: Alex Goettman 2-2, 2 2B, 2 RBI

Game 2: So Cal Guardians 5, So Cal Samurai 18U 2

Player of the Game: Adrian Cruz 4 IP, 4K, 2 ER

Game 3: WC Blackdogs 2026 10, So Cal Samurai 18U 5

Player of the Game: Ty Clark 7 IP, 7K, 3 ER

Game 4: Punishers 5, Samurai Baseball 4

Player of the Game: Angel Carreon 2-3, 2 RBI


Game 1: WC Blackdogs 2026 11, Cali National Baseball Academy 2026 11

Player of the Game: Ayden Lomeli 3-3, 3 2B, 5 RBI

Game 2: GT TRIBE 16U - Inland Peak 8, Socal Samurai Class Of 27 0

Player of the Game: Fabian Garcia 2-3, RBI

Game 3: Redbirds 11, Cali National Baseball Academy 2026 3

Player of the Game: Kardiff Black 2-3, 3B, inside-the-park HR, 4 RBI

Game 4: Socal Samurai Class Of 27 13, BLUE WAVE 2028 1

Player of the Game: Julian Bonilla 5 IP, 7K, 2H, R

Hitter of the Game: Mayan DeNava 3-3, 2B, 3B, RBI


Game 1: TB SoCal 2025 9, Punishers 1

Player of the Game: Matt Haidl 2-2, 2B, 2 RBI

Game 2: TB SoCal 2025 12, CBG Monarchs 3

Player of the Game: Drake Konja 2-2, 2B, 2 RBI

Game 3: CBG Monarchs 5, AKADEMA CALIFORNIA 5

Player of the Game: Tyler Swilling 2-3, 2B, 2 RBI

Game 4: Samurai Baseball 1, AKADEMA CALIFORNIA 0

Player of the Game: Evan Michota 6 IP, 6K, H

 FIVE TOOL east texas 14u tyler fall classic


Game 1: 5 Star Performance 2029 5, East Texas Knights 1

Player of the Game: Thomas Bird 2 IP, 3K, 2H, ER

Game 2: 5 Star Performance 2029 3, Freedom 2

Player of the Game: Bly Martin 4 IP, 6K, 2H, 0 ER

Game 3: East Texas Knights 12, Sticks 14U - McDonald 6

Player of the Game: Brandon Sanders 2 IP, 3K, H, ER / CS

Game 4: Freedom 3, TEXAS PRIME 14U - DN 3

Player of the Game: Cash Zillman 1-2, 3B, R

Game 5: Sticks 14U - McDonald 15, Tyler Spartans 2026 - Dunagan 3

Player of the Game: Aiden Hendricks 1-2, 3B, RBI

Game 6: TEXAS PRIME 14U - DN 12, Diamond Athletics 14U - Mitchell 1

Player of the Game: Kayson Booty 3 IP, 3K, ER / 1-2

Game 7: Dallas Patriots 2029 - Longhofer 15, Tyler Spartans 2029 - Dunagan 0

Player of the Game: Carson Davidson 2-2, 2 RBI

Game 8: Diamond Patriots 2029 - Longhofer 11, Diamond Athletics 14U - Mitchell 2

Player of the Game: Brody Guevara 2-2, 3B, 2 RBI


Game 1: Dallas Patriots 2028 - Wilkinson 9, Kraken Baseball 2029 2

Player of the Game: Rowdy McFadden 2-2, 2B, RBI

Game 2: T.H.A. Stix 2029 - Lewis 7, Kraken Baseball 2029 2

Player of the Game: Max White 2 IP, 3K, H

Game 3: Dallas Patriots 2029 - Wilkinson 7, East Texas Prospects - IBARRA 6

Player of the Game: Brody Hart 3 IP 5K

Game 4: T.H.A. Stix 2029 - Lewis 12, Badboyz 0

Player of the Game: Mason Kuykendall 1-2 RBI / 2 IP, 2K, 0R, 2 BB

Game 5: East Texas Prospects - IBARRA 9, Tyler Spartans 2029 - McFarland 0

Player of the Game: Anthony Obregon 2 IP, 2K, 0 ER

Game 6: Texas Oilers 14U Nowell 17, Badboyz 2

Player of the Game: Bradly Spicer 2-3, RBI

Game 7: Tyler Spartans 2029 - McFarland 1, Diamond Athletics 14U - Santos 1

Player of the Game: Colt Moseley 3 IP, 4K, 0 ER / 1-1

Game 8: Texas Oilers 14U Nowell 4, Diamond Athletics 14U - Santos 3

 FIVE TOOL east texas ut tyler fall opener


Game 1: American Legion, Texas Saints - Post 17 6, East Texas Titans 18U Rafe 4

Player of the Game: Isaiah Parker 4 IP, 5K, 2H / 1-2, 2 RBI

Game 2: Phenom 18U Garcia 3, American Legion, Texas Saints - Post 17 2

Player of the Game: Hayden Allen 4 IP, 7K, 2H

Game 3: Phenom 18U Garcia 10, East Texas Titans 18U - Rafe 2

Player of the Game: Trapper Murdock 5 IP, 6K, 2H

Game 4: Palestine Baseball Club 16U 3, Tyler Spartans 2028 - Young 3

Player of the Game: Garren Smith 4 IP, 6K, 2H

Game 5: T.H.A. Stix 2027 - Lewis 6, Palestine Baseball Club 16U 1

Player of the Game: Anson Kilgore 1-1, RBI / IP, 2K, H, ER

Game 6: Tyler Spartans 2028 - Young 13, USA Prime East Texas 2028 2

Player of the Game: Hutch Campbell 3-3, 2 RBI | Kyndall Tausch 4 IP, 4K, 2 ER

Game 7: T.H.A. Stix 2027 - Lewis 10, USA Prime East Texas 2028 0


Game 1: USA Prime East Texas 18U Blue 7, Blackhawks Black 0

Player of the Game: David Jimerson 7 IP, 9K, H, 0R / 1-3 RBI

Game 2: USA Prime East Texas 18U Blue 14, East Texas Most Wanted 0

Player of the Game: Parker Hall 3 IP, 7K, 2H, 0R

Game 3: Blackhawks Black 3, Royalty Baseball Academy 1

Player of the Game: Karter Wilson 7 IP, 8K, R

Game 4: East Texas Most Wanted 7, Royalty Baseball Academy 7

Player of the Game: Syler Pierce 3-3, 2B, 3B

Game 5: Phenom 18U - Pat 13, East Texas Titans - Roberts 3

Player of the Game: Ayden Stroud 1-2, 4 RBI, 2R | Cooper Berry 2-2, 2 RBI, R

Game 6: Kraken Baseball 2025 10, Phenom 18U - Pat 3

Player of the Game: David Alvarez 2-2, 2 RBI / 5 IP, 8K

Game 7: East Texas Titans - Roberts 8, Kraken Baseball 2025 3

Player of the Game: Alex Hammons 3-3, 3 RBI / 4 IP


Game 1: Tyler Spartans 2027 Red 12, Kraken Baseball 2027 1

Player of the Game: Landry Acker 4 IP, 7K, R | Deven Fernandez 1-2, 2B, 2 RBI

Game 2: USA Prime East Texas 16U Blue 4, Tyler Spartans 2027 Red 3

Player of the Game: Connor McCartney 2-3, 2B, RBI

Game 3: Tyler Spartans 2028 Red 11, Kraken Baseball 2027 1

Player of the Game: Aidan Fucaloro 4 IP, 5K, H

Game 4: Tyler Spartans 2028 Red 4, USA Prime East Texas 16U Blue 2

Player of the Game: Carson Allen 4 IP, 3K, 4H, ER


Game 1: Tyler Spartans 2027 Black 9, Phenom 16U Shifflet 7

Player of the Game: Jaxon Herrin 1-1, 2 RBI, 2 BB

Game 2: Phenom 16U Shifflet 11, Natives 15U 1

Player of the Game: Ty Riggs 3-4, 4 RBI

Game 3: Gilmer Baseball 4, Tyler Spartans 2027 Black 2

Player of the Game: Zane Tyner 2-2, 2B / 2 IP, 3K, H

Game 4: TWIN CITY MOB 15U 7, Natives 15U 4

Player of the Game: Braylon Hill 1-2, RBI

Game 5: Gilmer Baseball 10, TWIN CITY MOB 15U 0

Player of the Game: Wyatt Wilson 4 IP, 7K

five tool pennsylvania fall series - allegheny college


Game 1: Team All American 2027 13, Knightline 4

Game 2: Tigers Elite 9, Team All American 2027 8

Player of the Game: Dillon Porado 2-3, 4 RBI

Game 3: Athletix 0, Knightline 0

Game 4: Tigers Elite 8, Ballistic Baseball 4

Game 5: Athletix 9, Team All American 2025/2026 0

Player of the Game: Collin Resetar 3 IP, 7K, 0H, 0 ER

five tool texas dfw fall opener


Game 1: North Texas Aztecs Garcia 15, Texas Jaguars 15U Underclass 6

Player of the Game: Hayden Harper 2-3, 2 RBI

Game 2: Wow Factor Texas 15U Black 9, North Texas Aztecs Garcia 1

Player of the Game: Jonathan Stroughter 1-2, 2 RBI

Game 3: NTX Elite Altobelli 10, Wow Factor Texas 15U Black 2

Player of the Game: Hayden Cavin 1-3, 2B, 2 RBI

Notable: Noah Smith 1-2, 2B, 2 RBI

Game 4: Jaramillo Baseball Club 2028 5, NTX Elite Altobelli 0

Player of the Game: Sterling McCollough 2-3, 2B, 3B, 2 RBI


Game 1: Jaramillo Baseball Club 2028 17, Texas Jaguars 15U Underclass 6

Player of the Game: Jake Conoley 2-2, 3R, SB

Game 2: Texas Warhawks N | R 16, Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 White 4

Player of the Game: Eibi Contreras 2-4, 3B, 2B, 4 RBI

Game 3: Texas Warhawks N | R 26, Texas Generals - Nichols 0

Player of the Game: Raul Lomas 2-3, RBI / IP, 3K

Hitter of the Game: Emanuel Muniz 2-2, 2 RBI, BB


Game 1: Texas Generals - Nichols 5, Keller Aces - Dominguez 3

Player of the Game: Carlos Lugo 3 IP, 4K, 0H

Game 2: Keller Aces - Dominguez 4, Wow Factor Ft Worth 2027 White 3

Player of the Game: Orlando Reyes 4 IP, 4K, 2H

 FIVE TOOL texas houston fall opener


Game 1: Houston Wildcatters 2028 Klosterboer 12, Texas Seminoles 5

Player of the Game: Callan Corley 2-2, BB

Game 2: Houston Wildcatters 2028 Klosterboer 12, Houston Heat 2028 5

Player of the Game: Peter Hebert 2-3, 3B, HR, 3 RBI

Game 3: Houston Heat 2028 8, Texas Seminoles 5

Player of the Game: Cooper Love 2.2 IP, 6K, ER

Hitter of the Game: Jonah Irvine 2-4


Game 1: Five Tool Players 2028 - Orange 11, Texas Brigade - Castillo 6

Player of the Game: Wiley Roberts 2-2, 2B, RBI, 2R, SB

Notable: Lucas Whitaker 2-2, RBI, R | Zachary Wood 2-2, RBI, 2R, SB | Caleb Larazolo 1-2, 2B, 2R | Jacob Broome 1-1 RBI, R

Game 2: Crush Crew 9, Five Tool Players 2028 - Orange 7

Player of the Game: Cody Greer 3-3, RBI, R

Notable: Bryce Penney 2-2, 2 RBI, 2 SB, BB | Tristan Siman 1-1, 2 RBI, BB | Greyson Frels 1-3 2B, RBI, 2R

Game 3: Texas Brigade - Castillo 8, Crush Crew 4

Player of the Game: Tate O’Neal 3-3, 2B, 2 RBI, 2R

Hitter of the Game: Jacob Broome 1-3, HR, 4 RBI, R

Notable: Wesley Hise 3-3, RBI |  Landon Loveless 2-2, 2B, R | Brett Sturgis 2-3, RBI, R | Deacon Grable 2-3, 2B, R


Game 1: Houston Heat - 2027 6, Sabers Baseball 2027 5

Game 2: Wildcats 2027 Scout 4, Sabers Baseball 2027 3

Player of the Game: Jordan Sagredo 1-2, RBI, R

Game 3: Sabers Baseball 16U 10, Gladiator Baseball Katy 2027 4

Player of the Game: Everett Lira 2-3, 3B, 2 RBI, R, SB / 3 IP, 3K, 2H

Notable: Romeo Alvarez 3-3, 3 RBI, 2R | Nathaniel Leal 2-3, 2B, 2 RBI / 3 IP, 3K, 0H, 0 ER | Kayden Davis 1-3, 2B, RBI

Game 4: Five Tool Players 2028 12, Gladiator Baseball Katy 2027 6

Player of the Game: Kason Edwards 1-1, 3 RBI, 2R, 2 BB

Notable: Rome Juarez 1-3, 3 RBI

 FIVE TOOL texas ut dallas/eastfield fall series


Game 1: TBT Ballers Texas 15U National 1, MVP 2028 - Madison 0

Game 2: Texas Warhawks - Martinez 3, MVP 2028 - Madison 0

Player of the Game: Hugo Colmenero 4 IP, 8K, H, 0 ER

Notable: Aiden Conejo 2-2

Game 3: TBT Ballers Texas 15U National 16, KC Stealth 1

Player of the Game: Trey Creel 2 IP, 4K

Game 4: Texas Warhawks - Martinez 5, Permian Basin Chaos 5

Game 5: Permian Basin Chaos 15, KC Stealth 0

Player of the Game: Hayden Baughman 3 IP, 9K, 0H, 0 ER


Game 1: Dallas Patriots 17U 5, MVP 2026 - Scout 0

Player of the Game: Alex Cooley 1-2, 3B, RBI

Game 2: Dallas Tigers 2026 Smith 10, MVP 2026 - Scout 0

Player of the Game: Grady Shannon 2-2, 2B, 2 RBI

Game 3: Dallas Patriots 17U 7, Wow Factor Texas 2026 0

Player of the Game: Brett Hill 3 IP, 4K, 0H, 0 ER

Game 4: Dallas Tigers 2026 Smith 9, MVP 2025 - Madison 3

Player of the Game: Andrew Lewis 2-2, 2 RBI

Game 5: Wow Factor Texas 2026 25, MVP 2025 - Madison 4

Player of the Game: Juan Salcedo 2-2, 4 RBI, 2R


Game 1: 5 Star Price - Black 9, Sunnyvale Raiders - Whittington 4

Player of the Game: Cullen Scott 1-1, 3B, 2 RBI

Game 2: 5 Star Price - Black 8, Dallas Tigers Waco 4

Player of the Game: Keyton Mayben 1-2, 2B, R

Game 3: Sunnyvale Raiders - Whittington 6, MVP 2027 - Horn 2

Player of the Game: Luke Pease 2 IP, 4K, 0 H, 0 ER

Hitter of the Game: Marion Whittington 2-3, 2B, BB

Game 4: Dallas Tigers Waco 10, 5 Star Price - Gold 5

Player of the Game: Chance Allen 1-2, 3B, 2 RBI, R, BB

Game 5: 5 Star Price - Gold 13, MVP 2027 - Horn 0

Player of the Game: Anthony Delgado 2-2, 3B, 2 RBI, BB


Game 1: USA Prime Purge 17U 6, Wit Baseball 17U 5

Player of the Game: Chase Wheeler 2-2, 2B, 3B

Game 2: USA Prime Purge 17U 11, Texas Prospects 1

Player of the Game: Josh Ortman 1-2, 2B, 3 RBI, BB

Game 3: Texas Republic Baseball - Derner 18U 14, Texas Prospects 1

Player of the Game: Brayden Kemp 2-3, 2B, RBI

Pitcher of the Game: Thomas McHugh 2 IP, 4K, 0 ER


Game 1: Wit Baseball 17U 4, Texas Republic Baseball - Derner 18U 4