Where MLB scouts, college coaches, and top high school prospects meet.
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Premium Player Profile

By claiming or creating your player profile, you will be able to:

- Access The Line, our customizable feed which will allow you to follow individual players, high schools, summer teams and colleges and view all updates related to the players/teams you follow!

- Follow each Five Tool tournament you are interested in and receive live updates and highlights throughout the duration of the event. 

- Customize your profile and post comments on videos and other users' posts.

- Have access to all features available to customize your player profile, including making all video highlights public!

- Upload your own YouTube videos and tweets to build your baseball resume.

- View event and player statistics available only to members (coming soon).

- Access exclusive articles written by Five Tool staff and view other exclusive content only available to members. 

- For a limited time only, receive help from the Five Tool staff in building your player profile, including assistance in uploading videos directly to your video player without first uploading to YouTube, adding prior achievements from Five Tool events, and more!

Individual / Month
Individual / Year